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XMP-6400D XMP-6400D

Extremely robust

The XMP-6400D's rugged design ensures uninterrupted performance even in the face of shock and vibration.

Extremely robust

The video will still play even if a truck drives over it!

Wide temperature range

The XMP-6400D is designed to operate continuously between 0 and 50 degrees Celsius.

Wide temperature range

Perfect for professional and industrial applications, especially outdoors and on the road where temperature fluctuations occur regularly.

HDMI input

A must for sports bars! Live broadcasts of games on TV + advertising in the pub = optimal combination.

HDMI input

Whether it's basketball or soccer, you can present your drink specials on the same screen for everything, even during commercials!

Compliant with HDCP 1.4

Control is better! Purchase only HDCP 1.4 compliant players for legal protection.

Compliant with HDCP 1.4

With the XMP-6400D you are on the safe side, because it is ensured that the transfer of your video sources is successful and without legal or compatibility problems. Not all media players are certified, so be careful!

Full HD and HDMI for advertising playback

The XMP-6400D allows integration of video sources with dynamic HTML5 or image content to create advertising overlays and live video playback on any screen. In addition to the other features of the XMP-6250D, the XMP-6400D has an HDMI input.

You can connect any video source to this, from cameras to live TV, and play it back in real time with ad-based content. Create "L-bar" style ads that feature live video content with your unique brand. Or use our built-in logo overlay to add your brand to any video source.
HDCP Certified.

As an ad network operator or system integrator, using a non-HDCP media player to play protected content can mean legal trouble for you. Don't worry:'s XMP-6400D is not only HDCP certified, but also a masterpiece of an HDCP repeater.

Perfect for sports bars! XMP-6400 Live-TV Full-HD Mediaplayer

With the XMP-6400D from, you can show the game and your special content at the same time. Create a zone on the screen for the game and integrate an L-bar design to display your upcoming events, special promotions, messages and even social media channels.

It's the perfect solution for your bar or restaurant screens.
With an advanced CMS from one of our partners, you can create a schedule where the game is shown in full screen mode most of the time and the display switches to L-bar mode at certain predefined times. This way your customers will be satisfied and informed at the same time. XMP-6400D - Other features and characteristics

HD, 1080p and HDCP 1.4 certified - and the XMP-6400D offers even more! The XMP-6400D has an HDMI video input and allows you to create any animation content using PowerPoint. This makes it perfect for live streaming applications in sports bars and restaurants.

Two outputs

There are both HDMI and VGA outputs, so there are more diverse application possibilities. You can play your content on two different displays at the same time - at a much lower cost!


The remote control will serve you well on missions of any scope. Enjoy convenience at its best! The RS232 port allows you to receive display data, e.g. the device status and troubleshooting information, and to switch the display on and off via your player.

Content rotation

Every system integrator has customers from diverse industries. In each industry, digital signage is used differently. Switching between landscape and portrait format as well as different moods for different modes are possible with just one click! Easy switching between various orientations. Layouts with multiple zones are also available.

Less CO2 > PC - every day, every time! The XMP-6400D generates 6x less CO2 compared to PC solutions. Join our green initiative. Greener, cleaner and more affordable! Watch our latest demo video and replace your PC solutions with today!


Touch means perception and experience. Interactive contact with customers is one of the keys to success. The XMP-6400D helps you do just that. Perfect for wayfinding signs, movie showtimes, product selection and an immeasurable wealth of other possibilities. Our device supports your very individual visual experience.


For restaurants and pubs, businesses and schools, direct streaming via IP video on YouTube is a great way to capture the attention of their target audiences. With IAdea Germany's user-friendly firmware functionality, all you need to do is enter the URL of a YouTube video and you're ready to go.